Unleashed Educator

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Your Playing Small Serves No One

During my morning reading, I came across this quote:

"We are born with only one obligation–to be completely who we are." – Mark Nepo, Book of Awakening

What struck me most was the work "completely."

There is no one on this planet like you. You are here because God, the Universe, or whatever you believe thought the world needed the flavor that you provide.

But somewhere along the way, we missed that memo. So instead of walking this earth believing we are the salt of the earth, believing we are the shi*t –not in an arrogant way, but in a there's no one here like me, no one can do what I am here to do kind of way–instead of believing we are rare, precious gifts, we shrink. 

We shrink to fit in jobs that demand us to play small. We shrink to fit in relationships that match the stunted version of ourselves. We shrink, shrink, shrink. 

Until one day, the discomfort of playing small, of not being completely who we are is too much to bear. 

"We are born with only one obligation–to be completely who we are." 

I believe you are here, reading this blog, because the discomfort of playing small is wearing you down. You've been out of alignment: how you are spending your time/energy/focus does not align with the greatness of who you are. The box you are in is too small for all you are meant to bring to this world.

And the thought of expanding, of creating your own business, of stepping out on the ledge of what’s next feels like freedom.

Then the 'buts' show up. But I can't...But I don't know...But...But...But.

Here's the deal: There is NOBODY on this planet like you. God/The Universe/whatever decided that you needed to be here. There's something only you can bring to this world. 

By playing small, by not showing up as your full self, you are giving in to what the world thinks you should be versus all you are meant to be. 


By playing small, by not showing up as your full self, you are giving in to what the world thinks you should be versus all you are meant to be. 

Think about it. When you play small, your job misses out. They don't get your best.

Your children miss out because everything you do is modeling and teaching them how they should be–ouch.

Your partner misses out because you can't love wholeheartedly from a place of brokenness.

But you know who misses out the most?


That lack of fulfillment you feel.

That emptiness.

That tugging at your spirit that there must be more.

Yea, that.

You feel that because you've been playing small to avoid the discomfort of growth and standing in your wholeness.

But guess what? Here’s where I shimmy with excitement…

You have the power to be big.

You have everything you need to stand up, to take up space.

To be your whole self.

So how do you undo years of shrinking? How do you step out of your smallness and into your full, complete greatness?

One intentional, baby step at a time. 

This week, I invite you to practice stretching into yourself.

Stand in front of the mirror and say this to yourself:

"There is nobody like me. I am the gift. Me. I am the gift. I am going to show up in full to my life starting with this very moment. This one. Right here. Somebody needs me to show up in full today. That somebody is me. I need me to show up in full today. I will not shrink. I listen to and trust myself. I am the gift. Not the perfect me. Me, right now. I am the gift. I was chosen to be here. I will honor the gift that is my life and be here."

Print that out. Screenshot it. Read it regularly.

Pay attention to moments and people who encourage you to feel big, free, your complete self.

Take note of what you are doing in those moments and say 'thank you'. 

Pay attention to moments (and people 👀) who ask/demand/expect you to be anything less than who you are. When you encounter them, say to yourself, "I will not shrink. I will show up in full." 

It will be tough. Breaking bad habits of mind and replacing them with better ones always is. But if you are going to live into all that you are meant to be, you have to see yourself as the ultimate gift. You have to see yourself and the life you are living, not the life you think you should be living, the life you have right now as a beautiful part of the gift that is you.

We are on this journey together. The world needs our flavor. Let's show up.

Is creating an online course part of your gift? Does it feel like freedom to you? If so, grab a pen and paper, and then click the button below to watch the Unleashed Educator® training and step fully into yourself today.