The path to living your best life starts here.

By creating a course and sharing what you know, you’re not only helping someone else, you’re also honoring your own gifts.


How long will it take me to go through the course?

This is entirely up to you and depends on how much time you have to put towards going through the lessons. I’ve designed the complete course so you could go through in 6 weeks, but if you want to work faster (or slower), you absolutely can.

Is there a payment plan for the complete course?

Absolutely! You can make a one-time payment for the course, or you can enroll with the three month payment plan. Payments will be automatically drafted monthly. You can enroll with the payment plan here.

When are the weekly calls? How will I access them?

Q&A calls happen every Wednesday at 6pm. An email will be sent out with details about the calls, including a link to join our weekly Zoom meeting.

Do you upgrade the content?

Absolutely! I’m learning and improving with course creation all the time. As I learn and grow, I want you to learn and grow. In fact, when I created this course, I was enrolled in a Facebook Ads course. Once I implemented what I learned with success, I updated the content here so you could be successful as well.

How much money can I expect to make from creating my course?

While I’d love for everyone who takes this course to become super successful financially, that will depend on the effort you put into the course and your stick-with-it. In the Clarity module, we’ll talk about setting goals, which should help you set your own financial goals. Word to the wise: give yourself permission to focus on learning the process first, be okay with starting small, and leave a little room for big surprises. Once you launch your workshop, it’s test, assess, tweak. But the formula works, so stick with it.

How long will I have access to the course?

You will have access to the course for least one (1) full calendar year after purchase. If you have any problems accessing the course, please email me at

What is the refund policy?

Once you purchase the course or any modules, you will not be eligible for a refund. When you register for this course, you are making a commitment to yourself. If you fall on hardship or need to take a break from the course and come back to it when you have more time/mental capacity, it will be available to you.

How much money should I expect to spend on tools/marketing to get my course launched?

This is a great question! You can launch your course for as little as $100 (maybe even a little less).

“The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek. When you find the courage to enter that cave, you're never going in to secure your own treasure or your own wealth; you face your fears to find the power and wisdom to serve others.”

–Brené Brown, Dare to Lead