How do Live Your Best Life Educator’s Edition students feel?

Challenged. Motivated. Inspired.

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Yolanda J., LYBL Student

“I wanted to start an online course and a small business that would make a positive impact on the ability for youth, young adults, and women to identify their vision for college, career, and life purpose. But I was not sure how to do so. I saw Aisha's video for LYBL for Educators and instantly felt her spirit. She came across as a genuine person who understood the struggle of being an educator with great ideas and delivered a short (you know how educators don't have a lot of time), concise plan on how to help me get from idea to an actual plan. Additionally, she had a payment plan available so I could afford to join quickly and not chicken out. So I joined and I don't regret it.

I have tried other online courses and stopped abruptly in the middle of them because I felt like a number and felt there was no option to really get detailed feedback. With Aisha, I have gotten detailed feedback, had the opportunity to ask questions to a real person instead of what felt like a robot on other courses, and gained a community of other creative educators who have strong skill sets and consult with each other to generate courses that will not only use our skill set but will empower and make a difference for our future clients.

Aisha is warm, relatable, and not afraid of being real. It does not feel like she puts on a front, it feels like she is just a fellow educator helping me accomplish my goal. She readily will answer questions during the weekday Q&A and is open to suggestions. I love that this course covers all aspects of how to build a course and start your business in an affordable way.”

I would definitely recommend this course to someone. If you have an idea and what to move it from thoughts to an actual finished product, take this course. It will pare down your ideas but also help spark you to explore some of the other ideas that you pushed back because you felt like you couldn't do them. Once you start, you will see that many of the skills you have can be used and shared with others.


Sheila W., LYBL Student

This LYBL jank is a truly transformative experience. Some days it’s smooth sailing and other days there may be brick walls. I will honestly say that I’ve had my little pity parties and have had to walk away at times to calm my nerves and return with fresh eyes and an improved spirit. I’m taking it all in stride and know that great things are on the other side. My most recent lessons are: 1. Stay encouraged 2. Draw from the insight of the team 3. Run my own race, and 4. Let it go and keep it moving!! All that said, I’m proud of us and this new path that we’re creating. We are pretty AWESOME!!”


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Why Sheila joined…

“By the way, I want you to know that I was just a click away from signing on with another course, but your humble spirit, as well as background as an educator, is what I need to help me launch my course.”

“I’m so thankful that you are an educator and you care and you want people to move forward to get their best, to reach their best life, their best purpose in life. I’m just thrilled.” –Amanda

“You never hear educators encouraging other educators to do something entrepreneurial.” –Riarco

"I feel like I can really do this!!!" –Dr. Foster, a LYBL student

Want to join Sheila, Amanda, Riarco, Dr. Foster and the others who’ve decided now is the time to make a bigger impact and a bigger payday by creating their first online course?