I Work Full-Time. Do I Have Time To Create An Online Course? Yes! Yes, You Do. Here’s How I Did It

Two of the questions I’m frequently asked about creating an online course are: “Is this something I can do with a full time job?” and/or “How much time will it take to do all of this?” 

You can absolutely do this with a full time job. By day, I am the Vice President of Development (fundaising) for a nonprofit organization. I am also a mom to two kiddos and wife to a husband, two roles that I take very seriously. In fact, I created my first online courses because consulting was taking me away from my family more than I liked. 

When I created my online program, I invested about 5 hours a week. During the 6 week creation phase, I saw that 5 hours a week as an investment. After I launched my course, I repurposed those hours so that half of the time was spent interacting with my students, and the other half was spent planning. That ~5 hours makes me anywhere from $600 to $2000 per week. That’s $150-$400/hour – far more than I make at my day job. 

You might think, “Aisha, I don’t have 5 hours per week,” but I’d bet you a bottle of bubbly that you do. That 5 hours can be spread out over 7 days at times that work for you. I have my hour-long group session with my clients at 6pm on Wednesdays, conveniently scheduled to overlap with the time my kids are at swim team practice. I review student work on Saturday mornings while I’m waiting for my kids at gymnastics. I plan for the week and write content on Sundays. You have the time. You just have to decide that 5 hours a week in exchange for a business that could ultimately replace your salary is worth it.

Let me let you in on a little secret: Not having time isn't the thing that's really holding you back. 👀

Want to hear 4 Tried and True Strategies for Creating Your Online Course While Working A Full-Time Job without sacrificing family, sleep or your sanity? Watch the video below and check them out. Plus, you get a behind the scenes look into my self-study course Live Your Best Life Educator’s Edition, where I teach educators how to create, market and sell their first online course. Ready to make a bigger impact and a bigger payday with your own online course? Click here to enroll.


Your Playing Small Serves No One


5 Reasons Right Now Is The Perfect Time To Create Your Own Online Course