The Facebook Ads Course That Helped Get Me Real Results...Fast!

It’s really rare for me to promote someone else’s course, not because I’m selfish, but because I take the trust my community has in me very seriously. When I recommend something, I am essentially putting my hard-earned credibility on the line.

So, my deciding to put this testimonial out into the world, on my webpage no less, is a pretty big deal.

I first started running Facebook ads years ago, and quite frankly, I’d like to block that time out of my head. Why? Because without fail, I’d log on to my Facebook Ads Manager and see how much money I’d spent with little to nothing to show for it. After bootstrapping in every other area of my business–I taught myself how to create webpages, set up my email system, create and record online courses–Facebook ads was the one nut I could not crack.

One day, I was working on my course Live Your Best Life: Educator’s Edition and realized something: If I didn’t figure out how to get my course out in front of a lot of people, all the work I was doing behind the scenes would be for nothing. I knew that if I wanted to hit my goal of enrolling 8 people in my course, I’d need 100 email addresses. And if I was going to get 100 email addresses, I would need 400 eyes on my webpage. And the at the rate I was going, I was going to lose a ton of money and time (which also translates into money) trying to figure it out on my own. I was going to have to get some help. I was going to have to invest in my business–bootstrapping wasn’t going to cut it.

I’d like to introduce you to Abu Fofanah, the creator of the Power Your Launch Accelerator, an online course that helps online business owners scale their impact with Facebook Ads.

Using the methods Abu taught in his course, I was able to get real, measurable results. (See video below where I show you my ads dashboard.) And after having lost so much money with ads before taking Abu’s course, this early win after taking his course was all the proof I needed that I could in fact scale my business by reaching new, cold (but interested) prospects for my course.

Since my original launch worked so well, I kept it going, and after 3 weeks of running my ads, I’ve had over 2000 visitors to my website (who I’ll get in front of again with re-targeting ads) and 604 people join my email list. (Click the image below to enlarge and see for yourself.)

Rather than make you read all that I learned from this course, I figured I’d share the testimonial I recorded instead. I’m a firm believer of giving folks their flowers while they are living, and this was my way of saying thank you to Abu.

As I prepare to launch my membership, for a completely different course/business, I’m going to apply the same principals to grow that audience, and I imagine I’ll see similar results.

So if growing your list with new new, cold interested leads for your online course or membership is what you’re after, I suggest you take a look at Abu’s course. You can not go wrong with Power Your Launch.

(…and yes, this is an affiliate link. If Abu helps you get results, shouldn’t I get a little something for putting you on?)


What's Really Holding You Back From Creating Your Online Course