
From Educator to Entrepreneur Masterclass

Create an online course and turn what you know into an additional income stream.

In this masterclass, I’ll walk you through:

✅ The exact steps I took to create my online course

✅ How I find and get in front of prospective students

✅ How I built a system that works for me, even while I was working my very full-time job

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    Hey! I’m Aisha

    founder of Unleashed Educator®

    I’m on a mission to help high-performing educators make more money and have more control over their time and their energy by teaching them to turn their knowledge into profit with an online course.

    In 2013, I moved from educator to entrepreneur, starting Crumbine Education Consulting to chart my own course.

    My entrepreneurial journey took longer and was harder because I did it alone. I didn’t have a mentor or a coach. But I made it, and I am on a mission to help other education and nonprofit leaders start businesses that allow them to maximize their impact without sacrificing themselves and the lives they want and deserve to live in the process. Because I truly believe when we are served well, we serve better.

    In this masterclass, I’ll share how I made the leap from educator to entrepreneur while working a full-time job and without sacrificing time with my family